If you hang around a group of guys in a public setting long enough, the one thing that you will notice is men LOVE to rate women. Regardless on whether we are single, married, interested or completely uninterested, we have the burning desire to state OUR own opinion on her level of sexiness (the “dimepiece” scale) – but if you listen CAREFULLY you will notice something else:We also simultaneously rate her NANI – even without ever seeing any PART of the p*ssy.
See, in a man’s mind, the sexier the woman is, the better she will be in bed. I’m not sure why we make this automatic assumption but it definitely is a very indepth part of how we choose to judge and analyze women, not just from a solely superficial standpoint, but even from a dating perspective. Now understand, it’s NOT as simplistic as saying we think ugly women are horrible in bed (even though that IS the prevailing ideology amongst the majority of men) but we love BELIEVING we can just TELL exactly how a woman is in bed simply by observing her.
For instance, take Bria Myles in the pic above: Most dudes will look at her curvaceous body, butter smooth skin tone, openness with displaying her body (amongst a few other tips) to deduce she is a dimepiece and therefore, with all previous facts duly
noted, believe that her vagina squirts water from the fountain of youth and her pubic hair is actually finely woven unicorn mane.Basically, her nani can cure manic depression and fight crime.
Another example is this: Every man has a homegirl he finds extremely cute, she is nice, walks puppies, feeds the homeless, sings in the Church choir AND teaches Sunday School, who’s a straight-A student who spends her nights reading and studying. She doesn’t know how to dance or make it clap, but damn if she don’t know how to balance a check book. Well ladies, men will judge HER P*ssy too.
Now smart brothers will realize that she has just as much potential as being great in bed as any woman, but the MAJORITY of men will take her looks, lifestyle and public sexual aura into account to deduce that she is probably decent but not like Bria. Basically her nani ain’t curing cancer, but it will stop a migraine dead in its tracks.
And then, you have the UNDESIRABLES. The women who, depending on how much they dress down when they go out to grocery shop, you may mistake for a 1990′s dancehall singer or power forward on an NBA basketball team. These women
we ignorantly relegate to chicks we “KNOW” have TERRIBLE nani. Not only is her nani not curing cancer, migraines or the flu, but you feel like it will cause MORE hunger in Somalia and tsunami’s in Japan.
"Your nani made the world an unhappier place for EVERYBODY!"
Well I got news for y’all: The best and worst thing about a human beings intrinsic sexual nature is how unpredictable it is. The most amazing sex you EVER have in your life actually MAY come from a woman who looks and acts completely the opposite of what you think a TRUE freak should. While the most horrible sex you ever have may come from a girl who looked like Paula Patton, knew how to dutty wine and had a phat ass.
But ladies, YOU need to STOP doing this BS too, because women LOVE to equate the way a man looks and acts to his performance in bed, and those of y’all with experience have been burned (so to speak) enough times to stop making that damn mistake. You think just cause a dude got 3 tattoo’s, an earring, fresh hair cut, 6 pack and big hands that those things automatically equate into multiples for you? HELL NAW – it’s just a big giant toss-up
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